worlds dark and vast



"Adaptive Strategies," first published in The Trigger Reflex, ed. Miles Boothe, Pill Hill Press, 2011. Reprinted in These Vampires Still Don't Sparkle, ed. Carol Hightshoe, Sky Warrior Books, 2014.

"All Hands," first published in Night Chills Magazine, ed. Guy Kenyon, Black Matrix Publishing, 2010.

"Amitu," first published in Short Sips - Coffee House Flash Fiction, ed. Jessica A. Weiss, Wicked East Press, 2012.

"And Kill Them," first published in Battlespace Volume One, eds. Keith Houin, Jason Tudor and Michael J. Wistock, The Science Fiction Show and KnightWatch Press, 2012. Reprinted in Bullet Points, ed. Nathan Toronto,, 2023.

"Area Code 51," first published in Tales of Bigfoot, ed. Anthony Giangregorio, Living Dead Press, 2011.

"Beginning of Days," first published in End of Days 2, ed. Anthony Giangregorio, Living Dead Press, 2009. Reprinted in Morpheus Tales: Apocalypse Special Issue, ed. Sheri White, Morpheus Tales, 2013. Reprinted in After the End, ed. Shane R. Collins, Static Movement, 2011.

"Blood, Sweat and Tears," first published in Zombies Gone Wild!, ed. Michael S. Gardner and Matt Nord, Norgus Press, 2012.

"Brother Divine," first published online in Tales of the Zombie War, 2012. 

"Calcaneus Bishop and the Legend of the Sraavanya Sutra," originally published in The Confederacy of Steam vs. Zombies, ed. Ron Leming, Marion Margaret Press, 2013.

"Cave Kisses," appearing for the first time in Dark Corners of the Old Dominion, ed. Joseph Maddrey & Michael Rook, Death Knell Press, 2023.

"Cerulean," first published in Wicked Bag of Suspense Tales, ed. Jessica A. Weiss, Wicked East Press, 2012.   

"Childish Things," first published in Eye Witness Zombie, ed. TW Brown, May December Publications, 2010.

"Colors in a Box, Some Missing," winning story, Parsec 15th Annual Short Story Contest, 2010.

"Creaking boards something quiet," first published online at, 2009.

"Death Comes for Gil Bates," first published in Ghosts and Demons, ed. Chris Bartholomew, Static Movement, 2010.

"Den's Used Caskets," originally published in These Vampires Don't Sparkle, ed. Carol Hightshoe, Sky Warrior
Books, 2014.

"Destructive Testing," first published online at Everyday Weirdness, 2009. Reprinted in Daily Flash 2011, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"Deuteronomy," first published in Anywhere But Earth, ed. Keith Stevenson, Coeur de Lion Publishing, 2011.

"Dimmer," first published in In Space No One Can Hear You Scream, ed. Donna Burgess, Poe Little Thing Presents, 2011. Reprinted in Vignettes from the End of the World, ed. Jacob Haddon, Apokrupha, 2014.

"DNR," first published in Undead Tales 2, ed. Mark Lewis, Rymfire eBooks, 2012.

"Downfacking the Mandelbrot," first published online at OMNI Reboot, 2014. Reprinted in War Pawns, ed. Eric Fomley, Shacklebound Books, 2022.

"Dragons Ho!," first published in Kings of the Realm: A Dragon Anthology, ed. Chris Bartholomew, Lame Goat Press, 2010.

"dusty old dome," first published online at Scifaikuest, 2012.

"Faster Than Light," originally published in Space is the Place, ed. Robert J. Mendenhall, from Blue Planet Press, 2024.

"Fridays at Eight," first published in Book of the Dead 2: Not Dead Yet, ed.. Gregory Giangregorio,  from Living Dead Press, 2009.

"Gentle Autumn Rain," originally published in MetaStellar, ed. Geordie Morse,, 2023.

"Gentle Autumn Rain," reprinted in The Best of MetaStellar Year Three, ed. Geordie Morse and Marie Ginga, from Metastellar Press, 2024.

"Goodbye, Norma Jean," first published in Altered America, ed. Martin T. Ingham, Martinus Publishing, 2014.

"Graven Images," first published in Patented DNA, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"Greenhorns," originally published in Science Fiction Trails 8, ed. David B. Riley, Science Fiction Trails, 2012.

"Hands," first published in The Zombist, ed. William R. Tucker, Library of the Living Dead, 2010.

"He glared,"  first published online at, 2009.

"Head of the Pin," first published in Ultimate Angels, ed. Elizabeth LaFond, KnightWatch Press, 2012.

"Headhunter," reprinted in Flash Me Magazine, ed. Jennifer Dawson, Winged Halo Productions, 2009. Reprinted in Flush Fiction, ed. not listed, Uncle John's Bathroom Readers, 2012.

"Her nose blew," originally published online @tweetthemeat, Twitter, 2009.

"Holy Grail," originally published in Dead Stars & Stone Arches, ed. Beverly Bernard, Timber Ghost Press, 2022.

"Home Despot," first published in Letters from the Dead, ed. Mark M. Johnson, Library of the Living Dead, 2010.

"House Hunters," first published in Use Enough Gun, ed. Miles Boothe, Emby Press, 2013.

"Hummingbug," first published in A Compendium of Enigmatic Species, ed. Erin Scothorn & Mary Thaler, Practical Fantasists, 2023. 

"Hunted House," first published in Haunted, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"Jars for Their Eyes," first published in Alien Invasion Short Stories, ed. Laura Bulbeck, Flame Tree Publishing, Adapted to audio in Tales to Terrify no. 577, 2023. Listen here.

"Jolly and Old," first published online at Kazka Press, 2012.

"Journey of a Thousand Miles," first published in 2015 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide, ed. Corie J. Weaver and Sean L. Weaver, Dreaming Robot Press, 2015.

"Lest We Forget," first published in Zombidays: Zombie Holidays!, ed. Bill Tucker, Library of the Living Dead, 2011.

"Loss of Vector," first published in Zombie Zoology, ed. not listed, Severed Press, 2010.

"Machinery of Self," originally published online at The Clarity of Night, 2010. Reprinted in Daily Bites of Flesh 2011, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"Mantra," first published in Putrid Poetry and Sickening Sketches, ed. Matt Nord, Collaboration of the Dead, 2011.

"Margin of Error," first published in Aether Age: Helios, ed. Christopher Fletcher and Brandon H. Bell, Hadley Rille Books, 2010.

"Meat Machine," in Wicked Bag of Horror Tales, ed. Jessica A. Weiss, Wicked East Press, 2011.

"methane ice and rain," originally published online at Scifaikuest, 2012.

"Moonspots," originally published in Phobos Two: Emergence, ed. Luke St. Germaine and Robert Corry, Phobos Magazine, 2014.

"Natural Forces," first published in Eye to the Telescope in Issue 45 Veterans of Future Wars, ed. Deborah L. Davitt, Eye to the Telescope, 2022.

"Nearly Departed," originally published in Rotting Tales, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"Neither Do They Spin," originally published in Forbidden: Tales of Repression, Restriction, & Rebellion, ed. Martin T. Ingham, Martinus Publishing, 2019. 

"No Time for Poets," first published in Zombie, The Other Fright Meat, ed. Matt Nord, Norgus Press, 2012.

"Of Faith and Fallow," first published in The Lovecraft eZine 20, ed. Mike Davis, The Lovecraft eZine, 2012. Reprinted in the Lovecraft eZine Megapack 2012, ed. Mike Davis, The Lovecraft eZine, 2013.

"One One Thousand," first published in Timelines, ed. J.W. Schnarr, Northern Frights Publishing, 2010.

"One One Thousand," reprinted in "Ruth and Ann's Guide to Time Travel Volume II" ed. by Ann Stolinsky and Ruth Littner, Celestial Echo Press, 2024.

"Organ Grinder," originally published in 13: Tales of Dark Fiction, ed. Samuel Diamond, Craig Saunders and Sheri
White, Morpheus Tales, 2011.

"Paper Stars," first published online in Nature: Futures, ed. Colin Sullivan, Nature Futures, 2025.

"Pearls," originally published online at at Abandoned Towers, 2010. Reprinted in Tough as Nails, ed. Matt Nord, Norgus Press, 2012.

"Rainbows," originally published at Daily Science Fiction, 2019.

"Recipe," first published online at Every Day Fiction, 2009. Reprinted in Flash Me Magazine, ed. Jennifer Dawson, Winged Halo Productions, 2009.

"Red Is the Color of My True Love's Hair," first published in 3rd and Starlight, ed. Robert B. Finegold, Future Finalists Publishing, 2017.

"Rumpel hated his nickname," originally published online @tweetthemeat, Twitter, 2009.

​"Saturn's Child," originally published in Martian: The Magazine for Science Fiction Drabbles, ed. Eric Fomley, Shacklebound Books, 2023.

"Scatterbrane," first published in About Time, ed. Chris Bartholomew, Static Movement, 2010.

"Scrap," originally published in Dead Worlds: Undead Stories Volume 4, ed. Anthony Giangregorio, Living Dead Press, 2009.

"Seasons," originally published online at AlienSkin Magazine, 2009. Reprinted in Daily Flash 2011, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"shadows burned," originally published online at Scifaikuest, 2012.

"Shady Moons," originally published in Tales of the Talisman Volume 10 Number 4, ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2015.

"Shambles," originally published in Unquiet Earth, ed. Chris Bartholomew, Static Movement, 2011.

"Shepherd of the Spheres," first published in 1st and Starlight, ed. Sky McKinnon, Future Finalists Publishing, 2015.

"Signs of Spring" originally published in Steampunk Fissure Magazine, ed. Gail Gray, Shadow Archer Press, 2010.

"Single Layer I.T.," first published in Nature Volume 528 Number 7583, ed. Colin Sullivan, Nature Futures, 2015.

"Sleep and Beauty," in Father Grim's Story Book, ed. Jessica A. Weiss, Wicked East Press, 2012.

"Snapdragons," first published in Kings of the Realm: A Dragon Anthology, ed. Chris Bartholomew, Lame Goat Press, 2010. Reprinted in Sowing the Seeds of Horror, ed. Lorraine Horrell, Pill Hill Press, 2012.

"Spy Eyes," originally published in Yarns for our Youth, ed. Chris Bartholomew, Static Movement, 2010.

"squeals of delight," originally published online at Scifaikuest, 2012.

"Teddy and the Last Girl on Brighton Street," first published in The Last Man Anthology, ed. Hunter Liguore, Sword and Saga Press, 2010.

"The Canvas and the Shroud," originally published in Sci-Fi Shorts,, 2023.

"The Dew of Heaven, Like Ashes," first published in Tomorrow, ed. Karen Henderson, Kayelle Press, 2013. Reprinted in Chilling Horror Short Stories, ed. Laura Bulbeck, Flame Tree Publishing, 2016. Adapted to audio in Tales to Terrify no. 294, 2017. Listen here.

"The Grassy Knoll," originally published online at The Were-Traveler, 2012.

"The Long View," originally published in The Temporal Element, ed. Martin T. Ingham, Martinus Publishing, 2013. Reprinted in The Best of Martinus Publishing 2013, ed. Martin T. Ingham, Martinus Publishing, 2013.

"The Maestro Signal," originally published in Look What I Found!, ed. Michael Joosten, Norgus Press, 2011.

"The Math of the Red Desk," originally published in Cosmic Horror Monthly # 26, ed. Charles Tyra, Cosmic Horror Monthly, 2022.

"The Pursuit of Happiness," first published in No Shit, There I Was, ed. Alex Acks, Alliteration Ink, 2016.

"The Sky's the Limit," originally published in Dusted, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Static Movement, 2010.

"The Tether," originally published in Necrotic Tissue 14, ed. R. Scott McCoy, Stygian Publications, 2011.

"The Tuffet," originally published in Deep Space Terror, ed. Chris Bartholomew, Static Movement, 2010.

"Three Hundred Kilometers," originally published by Short Édition, 2023. 

"Two Point Zero," originally published online at AlienSkin Magazine, 2009. Reprinted in Daily Flash 2011, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"Under the Shade of the Trees," originally published in Gone With the Dirt: Undead Dixie, ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"Voidbreaker," originally published in Encounters Magazine 3, ed. Guy Kenyon, Black Matrix Publishing, 2010.

"Waterman High Speed Axials," first published in Bastion Science Fiction Magazine 7, ed. R. Leigh Hennig, Bastion Publications, 2014.

"Wet N' Wild," originally published in Creature Features, ed. Sam Cox, House of Horror, 2009. Reprinted in Novus Creatura, ed. John Arthur Miller and Linda Manning, from Aurora Wolf Press, 2010.

"Whatsoever You Sow," originally published online at House of Horror, ed. Sam Cox, 2010.

"Winter in Heaven," originally published in Dark Things III, ed. Alva J. Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010.

"With the Fires Out," originally published in in The Book of the Emissaries, ed. Emily C. Skaftun, Zeros 2 Heroes Media, 2014.